Why does WWE star Bobby Lashley not have eyebrows? Rare condition explained

Publish date: 2024-06-15

Bobby Lashley is one of the most intimidating wrestlers on the WWE roster. He is a multi-time champion in the sports entertainment juggernaut. While most fans are aware of his incredible accomplishments inside the ring, not many may know that the Almighty has a rare medical condition called Alopecia.

Alopecia prevents hair growth in the human body. Fans who have had the opportunity to watch Bobby Lashley in person might have noticed that he does not have eyebrows or any visible hair on his body. The eyebrows on him are tattooed. This pretty much rebuffs rumors that his eyebrows are drawn on.

Lashley’s body produces a lot of sweat, and the lack of hair on his head and eyebrows makes it harder for him to wrestle. This is because all the sweat drips into his eyes, causing him to experience blurred vision during strenuous physical activity.

The SmackDown superstar, however, has not allowed this medical condition of his to affect his work rate inside the ring. Moreover, he has one of the most intense workout routines on the WWE roster, as experienced by Sheamus himself.

Lashley is currently aligned with the Street Profits on SmackDown. The trio was turned into a stable during a parking lot segment on the July 14, 2023, episode of the Blue brand when Lashley took out Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins for a private discussion.

Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits teased a huge feud on SmackDown last week

The September 8, 2023, episode of WWE SmackDown saw The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damian Priest) defeat The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland and Butch) in a non-title tag team match. Priest cut a post-match promo wherein he said they were better than The Bloodline.

Bobby Lashley’s music hit, and the Almighty showed up alongside Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. The trio entered the ring and came face-to-face with The Judgment Day. Lashley agreed with Priest that The Bloodline was crumbling, but it would be Lashley and the Street Profits that would take over SmackDown.

It remains to be seen if the fans will witness an angle or segment as it pertains to the potential feud between Lashley and the Street Profits against The Judgment Day.

What’s your take on this story? Let us know in the comments section below!

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