Season records during career-ending years explored

Publish date: 2024-06-10

Michael Jordan is best known for his amazing tenure with the Chicago Bulls. The basketball legend won six championships in the Windy City, establishing himself as the greatest player of all time.

Jordan retired after his second three-peat, but decided to return to basketball. This time, however, the shooting guard joined the Washington Wizards. At the time of his comeback, MJ was 38, but he still had a lot left in his tank.

The six-time NBA champion spent two seasons playing for the Wizards. While the team didn't achieve much success with him, Jordan's individual stats at the age of 38 were quite impressive.

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Michael Jordan averaged nearly 23 points per game at the age of 38

In his first season in Washington, D.C., Michael Jordan appeared in 60 games, starting in 53 of them. The team had several other great players, including Richard Hamilton and Courtney Alexander. However, no one was as good as Jordan.

Despite being 38, the 14-time NBA All-Star led the team in scoring with 22.9 points per game. With 5.7 rebounds per game, Jordan was the third-best rebounder on the team, and his 5.2 assists per game were the best on the team.

The 38-year-old guard was also active on the perimeter, leading the Washington Wizards with 1.4 steals per game. In total, he led the team in three major statistical categories, which was very impressive.

Jordan led the Wizards in several statistical categories (Image via Getty Images)

Michael Jordan had several notable performances during his first year with the Wizards, including a 51-point game. The 6-foot-6 guard scored 30 or more points in 16 games and he also had a couple of double-doubles.

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Here are Jordan's season-high numbers from his first season in Washington:

Despite being 38, Jordan had many fantastic performances (Image via Getty Images)

It's important to note that the Wizards guard turned 39 in February 2002. Before that, Michael Jordan averaged 24.8 points, 6.1 rebounds, 5.2 assists, 1.5 steals and 0.5 blocks per game at the age of 38.

His first season with the Wizards was also marked by injury problems. The legendary guard dealt with knee issues throughout the season, and his first season with the team was cut short due to this.

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Despite Jordan's great performances, the Wizards finished the season with a 37-45 record, good enough for the 10th spot in the East.

Interestingly, they finished with the same record and the same position in the conference a year after too, which was Jordan's final season in the league. MJ was named an All-Star in both seasons with the Wizards.

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