Potential release date, where to watch, cast, plot, and more
The release of My Senpai Is Annoying season 2, which is based on the eponymous manga series by Shiro Manta, is eagerly anticipated by many viewers. Ryota Itoh directed the first season of the anime, which is in the romance and comedy subgenre. Fans will recall that Ryota is also known for other works like Oshi No Ko and Psycho-Pass season 2.
The 12-episode first season of the anime series ran from October 10 to December 26, 2021, and thanks to its fantastic cast, intriguing premise, and slice-of-life vibe, it quickly became a fan favorite. Globally, viewers have given the series very positive reviews, thereby intensifying anticipation for My Senpai Is Annoying season 2.
The romance-themed comedy, My Senpai Is Annoying, tells the tale of Futaba Igarashi, who has feelings for Harumi Takeda in secret.
Everything you need to know about My Senpai Is Annoying season 2
What is the potential release date of My Senpai Is Annoying season 2?
Although neither the creator nor the production company has made an official announcement, given that there is sufficient content to explore, viewers can anticipate the release of My Senpai Is Annoying season 2 sometime in 2024. The series' first season received high marks from IMDb and My Anime List, with 7.3 and 7.6 out of 10 ratings, respectively.
My Senpai Is Annoying has a total of 10 tankobon volumes, but only the first five have been animated. The second season of My Senpai Is Annoying is therefore anticipated to begin with the sixth volume of the manga. Furthermore, given the accessibility of the manga and the general popularity of anime, it would be illogical for Doga Kobo to cancel My Senpai Is Annoying season 2.
As the studio is currently occupied with upcoming anime titles like Mobius Dust, Oshi No Ko season 2, a new original anime series titled Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night, and others, there is also a chance that the production company, Doga Kobo, will announce significant news about My Senpai Is Annoying season 2 only in late-2023 or mid-2024.
Where to watch My Senpai Is Annoying Season 1 and 2?
Viewers can expect that My Senpai Is Annoying season 2 will also debut on the same platform as the first season, although the exact date of its release is currently unknown. Thus, season 2 could be released on streaming platforms like Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Muse Communication.
Furthermore, in selected regions, the first season of the anime series is currently available on Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Amazon Prime. Fans can thus watch the first season there.
However, viewers should be aware that all of the aforementioned platforms require a subscription, and that episodes of a series cannot be viewed for free on any of them.
Although My Senpai Is Annoying season 2's official cast has not yet been made public, viewers can anticipate seeing the first season's cast again. Tomori Kusunoki, who plays Futaba Igarashi, and Shunsuke Takeuchi, who plays Harumi Takeda, are among the main cast members from the first season.
Tomori is known for voicing Makima in Chainsaw Man, and Shunsuke played Makoto Suzuki in Tokyo Revengers. Saori Hayami as Toko Sakurai, Reio Tsuchida as Sota Kazama, Reina Aoyama as Natsumi Kurobe, Yui Horie as Yuto Sakurai, and Aoi Koga as Mona Tsukishiro are some of the additional cast members.
Reio is known for playing Akimitsu Mochizuki in Skate-Leading Stars, while Saori is best known for playing Anju Emma in the 86 anime. Additionally, Yui Reina and Aoi are recognised for their roles as Toru Honda in Fruit Basket, Aisha in Interspecies Reviewers, and Tsubaki Kuruoka in Fate/Strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn, respectively.
Among the other cast members are:
- Akio Ohtsuka as Ojii-chan
- Yutaka Aoyama as Department Chief
- Yūta Odagaki as Oishi
- Takayuki Kondo as Hijikata
Plot of My Senpai Is Annoying
My Senpai Is Annoying tells the story of a saleswoman named Futaba Igarashi. In the story, Igarashi has been able to maintain a respectable job at a trading company for almost two years. Furthermore, she has also performed well in the workplace thanks to the mentoring of her senior coworker, Harumi Takeda.
However, because of Igarashi's small stature, Takeda frequently teases her and treats her like a child, driving her crazy with his gags. Despite this, Igarashi appreciates Takeda's dependability because he is consistently willing to assist whenever a complicated situation arises in their work.
As the story progresses, Igarashi and Takeda soon become more than just office coworkers, spending more time together. What follows is interesting to observe.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.
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