How to reach the penthouse in 'El Sin Nombre' without killing anybody
The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Early Access campaign is finally underway, allowing fans to play through the entire story mode before the title's official release on October 28.
In El Sin Nombre the mission, there's an achievement/trophy that players can unlock called Ghost-in-Training. To unlock this, players must reach the penthouse without killing any guards.
El Sin Nombre is the 11th mission in the game. There, players assume the role of Soap as they infiltrate the VIP house in Las Almas, Mexico. Soap will be assisted by Alejandro Vargas as he tries to gather intel on the missile that's being held by the Las Almas cartel.
This article takes a closer look into the process of reaching the penthouse without getting detected or killing any cartel members in El Sin Nombre.
Unlocking the Ghost-in-Training achievement in Modern Warfare 2
Ghost-in-Training achievement or trophy requires patience and execution of tactical moves.
After the interrogation by Valeria, you will be assisted by her and Diego. When you exit the elevator, take the knife and mask that Alejandro presents to you. Now head straight to the bar with the red lights on and pick up a bottle from the counter.
Leave the bar and proceed south. There will be a gate to your left, enter it and head straight till you reach the short wall. Get up on it and enter the building through the balcony to your left.
Head up the stairs and proceed straight through the corridor. There will be two guards in your sight. Avoid them at all costs and enter the first room to your right.
Once in, proceed to the balcony and turn left. Ghost will inform you of a trellis that you can use to reach the roof; climb up the ladder and reach the top. Since there will be multiple cartel members present, maneuver cautiously and stay hidden.
Use your bottles to distract the enemy and move from cover to cover till you reach the northernmost corner of the roof, where you will find another ladder. Take it and get to the roof, Alejandro will join you there.
From there, turn left and get on top of the lift, and press the Down button. Once you reach the third-floor entry point, press the Stop button. Now hit the Emergency button directly in front of you to open the elevator doors; it will give you direct access to the Penthouse.
With this, the Ghost-in-Training achievement/trophy in Modern Warfare 2 will be completed.
Using this strategy, you will be able to accomplish the mission without murdering any guards. While you will prevent all unnecessary killings in this manner, you will miss out on the safe and several weapons concealed throughout the level.
Call of Duty titles are known for their action-packed sequences and brilliant narrative. Modern Warfare 2 carries this legacy forward with a dark and gritty campaign that tells tales of betrayal and revenge.
Modern Warfare 2 will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series S|X on October 28, 2022, with the Multiplayer as well as the Special Ops mode.
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