Carlito breaks silence following return at WWE Fastlane
Carlito has broken his silence following his surprising return at WWE Fastlane.
Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits were set to battle LWO this past Saturday night at Fastlane. However, The Street Profits attacked LWO on SmackDown ahead of the premium live event, and Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro were ruled out of the match. Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar attempted to compete at Fastlane, but the numbers game quickly caught up to them.
Carlito returned this past Saturday night to rescue Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio during their match against Lashley and The Street Profits. The former Intercontinental Champion evened the odds and planted Montez Ford with a Backstabber for the pinfall victory at Fastlane.
It was Bobby Lashley's first loss in the company since the May 12th edition of SmackDown. The former United States Champion is now a full-time superstar and will be a part of the SmackDown roster moving forward.
The 44-year-old took to social media today following his return at Fastlane and stated that it was good to be home.
"Its good to be back home!!" he posted.Triple H comments on Carlito's return to WWE
Triple H recently claimed that Carlito's return to the company was long overdue.
Speaking at the press conference following WWE Fastlane, Triple H said that he is excited to see him return home. The Game added that he is looking forward to seeing what the veteran can do now that he is a part of SmackDown.
"The return of Carlito tonight. Long overdue. Very excited for him and as he would say, that's cool. Excited to have him back, excited to have him back home, and excited to see what he can do on this run." [From 44:30 - 44:45]The Puerto Rican star made an appearance at WWE Backlash earlier this year to help Bad Bunny and LWO against The Judgment Day. It will be interesting to see what the company has planned for the veteran superstar on SmackDown in the months ahead.
What was your favorite moment during WWE Fastlane? Let us know in the comments section below.
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